It is about 300k size. NanoX provide solution for timer support, windows management, user input.
To use Nano-X you need only gcc c/c++ compiler that it is included in many(most) Linux systems
- message based system
- small size
- simple API
- add/replace any keyboard/mouse/screen driver
- font support. It is possible to add Unicode TrueType fonts
Lets discuss how to use it:
To create nano-X window you need :
int main(int argv, char[][] argv)
, 0,0,100,100
, BLACKGROUND_COLOR); // create a window
gc = GrNewGC(); // create a graphic context
//select events. you are able to select
//only that events that you need. this will boost your application
GrSelectEvents( wnd, GR_EVENT_MASK_ALL);
GrMapWindow( wnd ); // show window
// you may create as many windows as you wish
// there is only one message queue for all Nano-X windows
GR_EVENT anEvent;
while (true)
if (anEvent.type == GR_EVENT_TYPE_NONE )
if (HandleEvent(anEvent) == NEED_TO_EXIT) break;
// close all handles and exit
GrUnmapWindow(wnd); // hide window
GrDestroyGC( gc ); //
GrDestroyWindow( wnd );
Now you might understand nano-x weak side:
- Messages might not be synchronized. ( for example when you kill window but some messages that was in queue might come)
- Timer messages might not work proper under some circumstances (for example when you create a timer event, then change time in your system)
- Pure focus management (for example you can use GrSetFocus() then destroy window and then GrGetFocus() doesn't return you focus to a parent window like it is in MS Window OS,
- Font support is available but you have to dig into sources to add it.