Saturday, January 29, 2011

Multilayout ListView

This is a multi Layout view sample. You can  use it when you need to display the same amount of data (in sample text and images but it should be located differently
You need to build a special ListView adaptor 

Source code for MultiLayout Adapter is bellow

Beginning Android 2

Code Highlighting

Highlighted code in my samples

I found excellent javascript project. It was written by Alex Gorbatchev, and it is free (Thanks Alex!). I will use it to highlight code samples. There is no need to host JS and CSS inside your blog system, you can just reference files instead.
The most popular programming languages are supported here

You can download project and use it in your web sites or you can use hosted version of highlighter. Unfortunately, Google blog system doesn't allow you to insert link tag, but I have used loadjscssfile function to load script and css files.
Lets test hosted version: (javascript example) Here is a function that loads scripts and css.
function loadjscssfile(filename, filetype)
   if (filetype=="js"){
       var fileref=document.createElement('script')
       fileref.setAttribute("src", filename)
   else if (filetype=="css"){
       var fileref=document.createElement("link")
             fileref.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet")
             fileref.setAttribute("type", "text/css") 
             fileref.setAttribute("href", filename)
   if (typeof fileref!="undefined"){

var pathToScript = ""; 
loadjscssfile(pathToScript + "styles/shCore.css", "css"); 
loadjscssfile(pathToScript + "styles/shThemeDefault.css", "css"); 
loadjscssfile(pathToScript + "scripts/shCore.js", "js"); 
loadjscssfile(pathToScript + "scripts/shBrushJava.js", "js"); 
loadjscssfile(pathToScript + "scripts/shBrushJScript.js","js"); 

Android Java example:
import android.widget.TextView;
public class TestClass {
    private static final int[] LAYOUTS = new int[] {,
    private final Context _context;
    private final ArrayList _data = new ArrayList();
    public TestClass(Context context, ArrayList data){ 
        _context = context;
        _data.addAll( data );

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Java pre-processor

How Eclipse works to compile project?

If we are looking for android project compilation process, it contains from many builders
- before resource generator builder;
- resource builder;
- Java compiler;
- package builder;

Next builder will be started after previous one was finished successfully.

Sometimes you may want to use one source for different incompatible platforms (like JavaME MIPS2.0 or Java SE or some other Java specific platform like Android).

The best approach here to have you project separated from Java SDK by creating wrappers on SDK layer and then refer only wrapped classes in your project. Then when in and script for package builder build your project together with Java specific library wrapper.(recommended)

Another way to dial with this problem is to have a preprocessor like C preprocessor and wrap platform specific code. This approach is less clear and it feels like some comments you cannot remove. (not recommended) 

If you need Java cross platform but it is difficult to separate api in your project - you have to redesign you project.

Custom Java preprocessor (also could be done using ant script as well as using external preprocessor tool (like C preprocessor). To understand how it works I have created my own custom preprocessor using ant

Eclipse defines 4 targets
  • before clean
  • manual build
  • auto build
  • during clean 
I have created a simple xml file with 4 targets that is shown below:
  <project name="new builder" >
  <target name="before_clean"/>
  <target name="manual_build"/>
  <target name="auto_build"/>
  <target name="during_clean">

Do you have other solution how to build the same app on different Java platforms? 

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Google Translation

I would like to share a Google Translate JavaScript plug-in.
To add a translation to your web pages you can use JavaScript and Google translate services.

Here is a sample that add a translate combo box to your page:
// define div tag where translation combobox will be placed
<div id="google_translate_element">

// define "new" translate element function  
function googleTranslateElementInit() {
  new google.translate.TranslateElement({
    pageLanguage: 'uk',

    includedLanguages: 'et,tl',
  }, 'google_translate_element');

// add all necessary sources to do the translation 
<script src="//"></script>

- easy to use 
- using it you can create a copy of your blog/site to other languages 

- not all languages supported 
- engine itself is quite new and translation is not perfect

if you need translation to any language remove includedLanguages parameter

There are some useful links that may help you with building your copy:

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Android and Ant builder. Part 2

About ant commands :
You can create your own command processor with ant (you are able to create elements and ant is able to process commands in ants way (using xml to join parts )

For example for search and replace there is a command that is mapped to java or to implemented in other language application

 <replaceregexp file="file"   match="pattern"    replace="pattern"  

 byline="true|false" /> ;

it is actually a prepared a java class(s) that do the job

Is Ant depends on Java JRE or it is a separate native application? I think it is...
Probably that's why Java and Ant is so close...

I also would like to understand how preprocessor works in Eclipse. It may helps me with my tasks